Server Optimization.
Nexavix standardizes and consolidates servers into highly efficient pools of virtualized computing resources that can be partitioned and assembled to maximize utilization. It is not uncommon for Nexavix to virtualize more than 80 percent, standardize up to 95 percent and consolidate up to 50 percent of an organization's existing servers. By taking advantage of Nexavix' server optimization services, clients typically can achieve a 30 to 50 percent reduction in total cost of server ownership, increase their servers’ reliability and availability, and reduce capital expenditures. As just one example, Nexavix helped one of large an international organization virtualize its server environment. This effort resulted in a 90 percent reduction in the number of servers, a 45 percent reduction in direct costs related to hardware and management, a 40 percent reduction in data storage and backup costs, and a significant reduction in power consumption.